Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A quick Google search on environmental compliance training programs will bring up thousands of results. This is not surprising considering Australian Federal, State and Territory governments take environmental issues seriously.

Australia has stringent environmental regulations. This is needed given the amount of mining and manufacturing that occurs.

Mining, power, manufacturing and oil and gas companies whose activities directly or indirectly impact the environment need to be certified on several environmental safety protocols.

So, it makes sense why there are many compliance training programs around. Here are five examples of environmental compliance training programs.

Hazardous Waste Training

Hazardous waste training is targeted at organizations whose processes involve the use and production of hazardous waste.

Employees whose day to day responsibilities involve managing hazardous materials or those assigned to waste handling as part of an emergency response will be included in this training.

The training usually includes lectures on proper hazardous waste management procedures and helps students become thoroughly familiar with emergency procedures. This includes knowing how to handle equipment and systems properly when faced with an emergency.

Ensure your employees do not work unsupervised until they have completed the training. This training should be completed within six months after employment or assignment to handle hazardous waste.

Universal Waste Training

This is a general waste management program designed to familiarize employees with proper waste handling and disposal procedures.

Employees who are responsible for handling and disposing of universal waste need to do training. Universal waste includes electronic gadgets like cell phones, TVs, lamps, and lights, as well as non-aerosol cans, mercury-containing equipment, and CRT glasses.

You need to have certified in-house personnel to ensure universal waste compliance in the facility. Staff must have completed their training before work commences.

Spill Prevention Control Training

Here we have an industry-standard program to train employees whose responsibilities include managing and handling oil.

The program describes the best practices for operating and maintaining equipment to prevent any discharge. The proper discharge protocols and applicable pollution regulations must also be covered and adhered to.

The program should include a refresher course that provides for spill response training, emergency procedures, and recently implemented protocols and practices.

Those working in this field must have all the relevant training under their belt before work commences.

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

The Comprehensive Oil Spill Response Plan Training (COSRP) is part of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration certification training for personnel in the oil and gas industry.

All employees regardless of their role, need to complete some basic training when working in this field. The training aims to familiarize employees with their responsibilities.

COSRP course content and roles and responsibilities as outlined in the organization’s emergency response plan.

Employees should undergo training within 90 days after hire or reassignment to a new role or an update to the plan. Personnel is expected to undergo a refresher course every five years.

Clean Water Act Training

The program includes three industry certification courses: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and CWA/ SARA 313 Water Priority Chemicals.

All industrial workers whose activities expose them to stormwater or have personnel responsible for initiating necessary compliance protocols need to be up to date with this training.

A comprehensive lesson on potential sources of stormwater contaminants, the content of the SWPP, and best practices adapted to unique site situations to prevent discharges need to be undertaken.

This is a more complex and involved type of training.

Employees are expected to undergo training at the time of initial assignment and after that do an annual refresher course.

Image Pexels License CCO


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